Andrew & Polly pretend to be a paleontologist with Danny Weinkauf from They Might Be Giants and pull off a great caper - a puzzle exchange! Danny has to guess who has the other half of his puzzle (spoiler alert, it's Kenny Curtis & Tori Kerr from SiriusXM Kids Place Live) and what is even on that puzzle?!? (It's a specially awesome dinosaur.)
Plus, we talk about how songwriting is a puzzle, They Might Be Giants and about what Kenny Curtis has in common with a pachycephhlosaurus. To hear more of Danny's music visit and here's where you can check out what Kenny & Tori are up to on Kids Place Live.
If you would like your child to participate in the Ear Snacks Puzzle Exchange, sign up here! We'll send you a puzzle - and then when you've done it, you send it on to the next family. You can also put your dusty puzzles into circulation for extra karma. So sign up and get ready to puzzle puzzle puzzle!