Season 2, Episode 11: More Bad Guys (Part II)

Andrew & Polly's Bad Guys game continues. When they can't figure out WHY they are having fun scaring fish and serving them their least favorite foods, they call up a Bad Doctor to find out! Dr. Emiliana R. Simon-Thomas from UC Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center tells us about what brains have to do with Bad Guys & Superheroes.

If you missed the first part of the Bad Guys game, check out Episode 10: Bad Guys (Part I)


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PARENTS: If your kid has an idea for Polly's superhero name or powers, share it with us! You can fill out the form below -OR- (even better), record a voice memo with the following information and e-mail it to .

Here's the great article we mentioned from the Greater Good Magazine: "How to Help Gratitude Grow in Kids."

Thanks again to Sadie, William, Wesley, Adalyn, Grey, Amelia, Kohler, Roland, Betula, Orion AND voice actor Morla Gorrondona for digging deep into Bad Guys with us. It was a long haul, but we made it!