Tell me: what do you know about seeds?
Andrew & Polly's friends from Austria, Australia, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts invite you into their homes and gardens to discover what kinds of seeds there are where they live.
We also welcome Chanel Tsang from Toronto, Canada who shares a lovely meditation from her podcast Peace Out called "Ready, Set, Grow!" inviting listeners to move their bodies and imagine what it might be like to be a seed.
We also made a special Earth Day version of this episode for the Kids Listen Activity Podcast, which includes activities ideas you can do at home!
Activity Ideas!
Seed Scavenger Hunt!
What seeds do you have around your house? Explore your refrigerator, counter, or garden to see how many different kinds you have.
Can you guess what kind of seeds are in different fruits? When it’s snack time, you and your grownup can cut into some varieties of fruits to see how your predictions come out! And, do all fruits have seeds on the inside? Hmmm…
Seed Art / Tiny World-Building:
Can you make any art with seeds? How about a tiny house / farm / waterslide for your seed friends to play in?
Sprout a Seed!
Check out this from BBC Gardeners’ World (Polly’s happy place) on how to collect seeds and grow micro-greens among other fun gardening activities to do with kids or Eartheasy’s tips on gardening with children.
Germination is easy, give it a try!
Kids Listen is an awesome resource for families building screen-free engagement around all sorts of things — find more activity-based listening at You can find more mindful listening at, an independent UK-based podcast producer. Thanks to Chanel and founder/producer Rob Griffiths for sharing their wonderful show with us. To find and support other podcasts for kids, visit
And many thanks to Amelia, Bennett, Charlie, Kalinga, Sam and their families for sharing their seeds with us! We'll hear more from them about growing and planting next week, and if your child has something to say about seeds, please share it with us! Turn on your voice memo app, ask them their first name, age, where they live and then to please share their thought about seeds!